Simple Email Marketing You've Been Waiting For
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We are launching email marketing software for those, who:
Are fed up with getting tons of stats and not knowing what to do with them
Want to get notified of what’s happening with their campaigns or contacts, and of any important trends in campaign metrics
Want to build a customized email funnel for each contact, quickly and efficiently
Problems still encountered by regular users of popular email marketing services:
Support reps who aren’t technically savvy, take a long time to respond or just give you links to articles you’ve already read
Jenny, Head of marketing
Emails that look like templates and are easily recognized as such by readers, while the HTML builder doesn’t make things simple at all
Robert, Marketing Manager
Integrating the EMS with other services may require having to hire developers and invest a lot of time, effort, and often money.
Mark, Founder
Having to put together email flows in a complex and hard-to-navigate flow builder
Esther, Email Marketing specialist
is designed to fix that.