cold email subject lines

Which subject line will make you open an email and which will send it directly to your spam folder?

  • Email Marketing Trends Your Competitors Don’t Know Yet
  • Get Our Limited Offer Now! Hurry!

Cold emails are essential for reaching new clients and opportunities. And it’s interesting that the success of your whole cold email marketing campaign often hinges on a single sentence: your subject line. With crowded inboxes and short attention spans, if your subject line fails, your email does too.

Writing the perfect cold email subject line is a bit of art and quite a bit of science. In today’s post, we will be looking into the most subject line strategies that work. We will offer share several ready-made templates that you can tailor to your own cold email campaigns.

Cold Email Subject Lines Make a Difference, Don’t They?

Cold email subject lines are the first steps in your campaign’s success.

We live at a time when the average professional gets over 100 emails a day. In a landscape like this, your email must stand out – there is simply no other way. 

The subject line is your first, and often only, chance to make a good impression. This is what ultimately determines if your email gets opened or gets lost in the digital abyss.

1. First impression is everything

The subject line is the first point of contact with your reader. This is what will make the difference between an email that gets read and the one that gets ignored – or worse, triggers a spam filter. 

2. Determines email open rates

Your cold email’s open rate heavily depends on the subject line.

 A thought-through and well-written subject line can significantly boost your email’s chances of being read. This is especially important in cold emailing –here, your relationship with the customer will only begin when and if they open your email.

3. Mind the tone of your message

The subject line sets the expectation for the entire email. It gives the reader a preview of what’s to come. 

A good subject line aligns with the body of the email, ensuring that the recipient’s initial interest is met with satisfying content.

4. Helps segment your audience

Effective subject lines can also help you get to know your audience better. With this information, you can go on to segment your new readership more effectively.  When you write different  subject lines for different groups of people, you can then go on to tailor your messaging to match their interests best.

5. Improves email deliverability

Subject lines influence your email’s deliverability. Using spammy words or all caps can trigger spam filters. And if this happens, your email will wind up in the junk folder.

6. Competitive advantage

Email marketing is exceptionally competitive. A subject line that’s interesting and relevant has a better chance of setting your email apart. It’s an opportunity to let people get to know  your brand’s personality and offer an interesting value proposition.

7. Directly impacts ROI

Ultimately, the success of your cold email comes down to cold metrics (pardon the pun). These are responses, leads, and conversions. 

A good subject line can be a very effective way to improve on all of the above as well as the overall return on investment (ROI) of your email marketing efforts.

Writing Good Subject Lines for Cold Emails: A Guide to Success

There are several key things you can do master a good subject line:

Characteristics of effective cold email subject lines:

  • Conciseness: Brevity is key. A subject line should be short enough for your readers to grasp it with one glance. Typically, this translates into it being under 50 characters, ensuring that it’s fully visible on mobile devices.
  • Personalization: Tailoring the subject line to the recipient demonstrates that you’ve done your homework, making the email feel more relevant and personal.
  • Clear value proposition: State clearly what benefit the recipient will gain by opening your email. This promises value, making the proposition hard to ignore.


  • Good: “John, Increase Your Team’s Productivity by 20%”
  • Bad: “Open Now! Get This Now! Hurry!”

Strategies for crafting irresistible subject lines

  • Personalization: Use the recipient’s name, mention their company, or reference a recent event in their industry to create an immediate connection. 

For instance, “Alex, Here’s How We Can Boost XYZ Corp’s SEO.”

  • Curiosity gap: Spark curiosity without revealing too much. A question or a teaser can prompt the recipient to open the email for answers.

Example: “Is Your Marketing Strategy Missing This Key Element?”

  • Value proposition: Make it clear what the recipient gains from your email. A straightforward benefit encourages opens.

Example: “Unlock 30% More Efficiency in Your Supply Chain.”

  • Urgency and scarcity: Suggest that acting fast is beneficial, but avoid sounding spammy.

Phrases like “Limited Offer for Early Responders” work well.

Common mistakes to avoid

As you work on your subject line, steer clear of these common mistakes:

  • Over-promising and under-delivering: Your emails should deliver on the promise made in the subject line to build trust.
  • Using spam trigger words: Words like “free,” “guarantee,” and excessive use of “!!!” can direct take your email straight to the spam folder.
  • Being vague or generic: Generic subject lines (“Monthly Newsletter”) lack the personal touch and specificity needed to catch attention.
  • Overusing caps and exclamation marks: This can come off as yelling and reduce the professionalism of your message.

15 Best Cold Email Subject Lines

Writing good cold email subject lines is crucial. This is how you make sure your emails are opened and read.

Here are 15 examples of effective cold email subject lines:

  • “[Recipient’s Company] + [Your Company]: Potential Partnership?”

This subject line suggests a collaboration and hints at mutual benefits.

  • “3 Ideas to Improve [Aspect] at [Recipient’s Company]”

This subject line offers actionable value and shows initiative and insight.

  • “Struggling with [Problem]? Let’s Chat”

This subject line goes to the pain point directly – and offers a solution, which is a good “push” for your subscriber to open the email.

  • “Exclusive Invitation for [Recipient’s Company] Only”

Here, the subject line implies exclusivity and personalization, making the recipient feel selected.

  • “How [Competitor] Achieved [Specific Result]”

Draws attention by referencing a competitor’s success, implying you can help them achieve similar results.

  • “Unlock [Desired Outcome] in Just [Timeframe]”

Offers a compelling and tangible benefit within a specific timeframe, promising quick value.

The subject lines above work because they are personalized, relevant, offer value, and pique curiosity. And here are some more subject line ideas for cold emails.

  • “Uncovered: Your Next Big Opportunity”

It suggests that the content inside is valuable and potentially game-changing, making it appealing to the reader.

  • “[Recipient’s Name], Meet Your Goals Faster”

Personalization paired with a promise of efficiency appeals to the readers’ aspirations.

  • “Elevate [Recipient’s Company] with Just One Click”

Suggests a simple action for substantial benefit, piquing curiosity about the content.

  • “Turning [Pain Point] into Power Moves”

Positively spins a challenge into a solution and hints at transformative advice.

  • “[Industry Insight] Trends Your Competitors Don’t Know Yet”

Offers exclusive knowledge for a competitive edge.

  • “Imagine [Desired Outcome] – We Can Take You There”

Promises a unique insight, sparking curiosity about the inner workings or results.

  • “Behind the Scenes: [Interesting Process/Result]”

Encourages the reader to envision success, positioning your offer as the solution.

  • “Why [Industry Leader] Loves [Product/Service]”

Leveraging social proof with a known industry leader to build credibility and interest.

  • “Transform [Aspect] with a Little Magic”

It’s intriguing and implies that the email contains simple yet effective solutions or tips. The use of “magic” adds a touch of curiosity and excitement, making the reader interested in opening the email to find out more.

To Sum Up

We can’t stress this enough: a well-written subject line in cold emailing is very important. Play with personalization, value propositions, and creativity. The goal here is to start a meaningful conversation and build lasting relationships with your readers.