email retargeting

Email retargeting can be a real game-changer when it comes to reconnecting with clients. Think of it as a friendly nudge to remind a customer that they have some unfinished business on your website – for instance, an abandoned cart.

With standard email marketing, you would be sending out broad messages to everyone on your email list. But retargeting emails zero in on those who have already shown interest in your products. 

To get started, you will need to track key data like website visits or product views. This will give you a more or less clear picture of what your customers are into. With this information, you can segment your audience and create more personalized emails. These emails will speak directly to your customers about what they are interested in.

What Is Email Retargeting?

Email targeting is a clever way to send personalized emails in response to customers taking a specific action on your website. As these emails are targeted, you have a better chance of high engagement. Think of a retargeting email as having a one-on-one conversation with your customers about specific needs and interests. 

Differences from standard email marketing

Standard email marketing is the base of digital communication – but it lacks the personal touch that today’s consumers demand. 

Email retargeting goes several steps further. It uses behavioral data to speak directly to what your clients are interested in. This is a targeted approach – and it can get you better open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. And just like any personalized content, it also creates a better user experience. 

The role of data tracking in email retargeting

Data tracking is the backbone of email retargeting. You need to keep an eye on how users interact with your website and earlier emails. If you do, you will get valuable insights into what your customers like. This data will be the base for when you segment your email list later.

Use cookie tracking, pixel tracking, and email platforms that feature integrations with customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Email Retargeting Process

Tracking user behavior and data collection methods

The first step in the email retargeting is tracking how users behave on your website. Use Google Analytics, custom cookies, and email marketing software to collect the information you need. This includes pages visited, products viewed, and emails opened or clicked. 

Segmenting your audience based on their actions and preferences

Your  next step would be dividing your audience into groups based on their habits and interests. You can keep it simple and split your list into new and returning visitors. Or, you can take it a step further and also seek out clients who have shown interest in specific product categories.

Creating personalized email campaigns for different segments

Now that you have your new segmented email lists, you can start working on your campaign.

How you go on to personalize your emails depends on the personalization level you are looking for. The simplest thing you can do is address your subscribers by name. But if you want to do more, you can go on to make tailored product recommendations based on their browsing history.

Email Retargeting: Key Strategies

To build a successful email retargeting campaign, you will first need to better understand your audience. You can then use this knowledge to personalize your communication. 

Let’s take a closer look at the key elements of email retargeting campaigns.

Personalization:  A successful email retargeting campaign is all about personalization. You will need to create content that will reflect the unique behaviors of each user. Look into which pages your clients visited, what products they viewed, or how they responded to previous emails – this will allow you to create more personal messages. 

Timing is everything: The timing of an email can be just as critical as its content. Sending an email too soon after a user’s visit may feel intrusive, while waiting too long might result in losing their interest. The key is to find the optimal timing that corresponds to the user’s readiness to engage or buy. 

For example, a follow-up email for an abandoned cart might perform best if you send it within 24 hours. This way, you get to capitalize on the existing purchase intent. 

Content: The content of a retargeting email must strike a balance between being informative and persuasive. It should clearly state your value proposition: for example, highlighting product features. Your main goal here is to get readers to interact with your content by making it both relevant and compelling.

Call to action: A well-designed CTA is very important. Your message should be  visually striking, contextually relevant, and worded in a way that inspires instant action. This action can be anything, really: from making a purchase to reading a blog post. It’s never a bad idea to experiment with different CTA designs, placements, and messages.

Tools and technologies for email retargeting

Email marketing platforms: The base of an effective email retargeting strategy is a reliable email marketing platform. Here, you will gain access to features like automation, segmentation, and more. Popular options include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Brevo (formerly Sendinblue).

Integration with analytics and CRM systems:  To better personalize and time your retargeting efforts, you will need to integrate analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Google Analytics is a popular option here and offers insights into user behavior on your website. CRM systems, on other hand, will lay out a detailed history of each customer’s interactions with your brand.

Retargeting Email Examples

Fashion retailer’s abandoned cart campaign

A leading fashion retailer implemented an abandoned cart email retargeting campaign that sent personalized emails to shoppers who left items in their cart. They used dynamic content that showed the abandoned items along with a limited-time discount offer.

Software company’s engagement campaign

A software company tried email retargeting to re-engage inactive users. They sent out a series of emails highlighting new features, user success stories, and exclusive offers. The company used segmentation to tailor their messaging based on how customers previously integrated with their software.

Lessons learned

These success stories highlight several key takeaways for email retargeting campaigns:

  • Personalization and relevance are great for engagement.
  • Timing and context can significantly influence the effectiveness of retargeting efforts.
  • Continuous testing and optimization are essential.
  • Adhering to privacy regulations and maintaining transparency with users fosters trust and loyalty.

Retargeting Email Template

The template below is a generic example of a retargeting email for a software company. It is designed to re-engage visitors who expressed interest but did not complete a purchase. The email combines a special offer with personalized elements based on the user’s interaction with specific software features. 

Subject: Unlock Your Full Potential with (software name) – Special Offer Inside!
Dear (recipient’s name),

We noticed you’ve been exploring (software name) recently, diving into features like (feature 1) and (feature 2). It seems you’re on the brink of unlocking powerful solutions that can transform your (specific task or project). However, we also observed you haven’t taken the leap to full membership. Is there something holding you back?

We understand that committing to new software can be a big step, which is why we want to make this decision easier for you. For a limited time only, we’re offering you an exclusive 20% discount on your first year of (Premium/Pro) membership. Use the code UNLOCK20 at checkout to claim your discount.

Why (software name)?

(Feature 1): Streamline your (specific task) with our state-of-the-art (description of feature).
[Feature 2]: Enhance your (another task) through (description of another feature), saving you time and resources.
[Feature 3]: Get access to our dedicated support team, ready to assist you every step of the way.

But Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

“Using (software name) has revolutionized how we manage our projects, reducing our workload by 40% and increasing our team’s efficiency.” – (Happy customer’s name, position, company).

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Embrace the full power of (software name) and see the difference it can make for your (business/projects). Click the button below to upgrade now and don’t forget to use your exclusive discount code: UNLOCK20.

(Upgrade now button)

If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to our support team or visit our FAQ page. We’re here to help you get the most out of (software name).

Warm regards,

The (software name) Team

P.S. This special offer is valid until (expiration date). Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your (specific task or project) with (software name).

The Future of Email Retargeting: Challenges, Solutions, and Emerging Trends

Email retargeting is a powerful marketing tool. But just as with most marketing strategies, it comes with its own set of challenges. Email retargeting is also heavily influenced by new technologies – namely, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). 

Challenges and solutions in email retargeting

Data privacy and compliance

Challenge: At a time where data privacy concerns are at an all-time high, complying with regulations like GDPR and CCPA while still engaging in effective email retargeting poses a significant challenge.

Solution: The key lies in transparency and consent. As a sender, you will need to make sure you are being very honest about your data collection practices. You should also offer easy options for readers to manage their data preferences. 

Email overload

Challenge: Consumers today receive an overwhelming number of emails. This makes it  increasingly difficult for marketers to cut through the noise.

Solution: To stand out, focus on delivering highly relevant and personalized content. Segmentation and dynamic content are what will increase the chances of your email being opened.

Technological limitations

Challenge: Many organizations struggle with outdated or disjointed systems. These limit their ability to try sophisticated email retargeting strategies. 

Solution: Investing in the right technology stack is crucial. Look for integrated platforms that offer advanced segmentation, personalization, and analytics capabilities. Automation tools can also save you loads of time and make your campaigning more effective.

Emerging trends and technologies

The future of email retargeting is being shaped by exciting trends and technologies.

  • Predictive analytics: Analyze past consumer behavior. With predictive analytics, you can forecast future user actions and send proactive emails.
  • AI-driven content generation: AI tools are becoming increasingly better at creating personalized emails: this includes everything from intriguing subject lines to product recommendations.
  • Machine learning for optimization: ML algorithms can continuously analyze the performance of email campaigns, learning over time which strategies work best for different segments, thereby optimizing send times, content, and calls to action.

So, AI and ML are not just buzzwords. They are revolutionizing email retargeting. With these technologies, marketers can sift through vast amounts of data. And this makes it possible to identify patterns and insights, helping marketers understand their audience’s preferences and behaviors on a granular level. 

For example, AI-powered tools can help marketers automate the process of creating personalized email content. They can also predict what the user will see as most relevant. Machine learning algorithms can refine these predictions over time. This will make your retargeting campaigns more effective with each send.

To Sum Up

Email retargeting is a powerful way to reconnect with your customers. Think of it as a friendly and well-timed reminder. It is meant for someone who has shown an interest in your products but then left without acting on that interest. 

This is not your typical email blast. Retargeting focuses on the subscribers who already “know” you: they have interacted with your site. This makes your messages more relevant and engaging. 

To create a successful retargeting email campaign, do your research. Look into what pages your customers visit or which products they look at. This will let you tailor your emails to fit their interests.