How to Create Email Marketing Content

Understanding how email marketing works is key to a happy audience who don’t leave your emails unread.

In this article, we’ll cover all the basics. 

We will look into how to get to know your audience, how to write a catchy subject line, and how to make your emails look great on mobile devices.

If you’re new to the email game – or are looking to improve —this is the information you will need to move forward.

The 3 Pillars of Email Marketing Content Creation

The key to a great email lies in three main principles:

  • deliver strong content
  • set clear goals
  • avoid an immediate sales pitch

Let’s look at why these principles are crucial and how to use them in your strategy.

1. Email marketing content must be precise and relevant

Email content must be on point. The goal is to deliver value – but not just value. The value your emails bring should align with the interests of your readers. We live at a time when attention spans are short – and every word in your email needs to serve a purpose – inform, engage, or entertain. Do your best to get rid of unnecessary jargon and fluff. Instead, focus on clear, actionable content.

Say, you have a new product coming out and want to share the news with your subscribers.  In this case, your email should succinctly highlight the product’s benefits and features. Don’t shy away from vivid imagery and a clear call to action (CTA). 

2. Define your marketing objectives

As you start your email, make sure you are starting it with a clear purpose in mind. Do you want to drive more  website traffic? Are you promoting a new product?

Whichever result you are after, this is what should dictate how you structure and write your email. This is how you make your content focused and your email campaign successful.

For example,  say you want to sell more products. Your email should then consist of compelling product descriptions, customer testimonials, and purchase link/button that is very easy to find. Once you have set these goals, everything should be very clear and each element of your email should work towards the desired action.

3. Don’t lead with a sales pitch

It’s almost never a good idea to start an email with a sales pitch directly. There is a very high chance it will put off your subscribers and lead to quite a few unsubscriptions. Instead, it’s better to start with something that will help you establish a connection with the reader – it is even better if it brings them value. This value could be in the form of insightful tips, industry news, or even a compelling story. 

For example, imaging an email that opens with the story of a customer’s journey. It could describe  how one of your customers ran into a problem and how your product or service helped them solve said problem. This will make your brand more “human” in the eyes of your readers and, most likely, get their interest.

Advanced Tips to Create Perfect Email Marketing Content

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive a bit deeper. 

4. Use catchy email subject lines

The subject line is your first impression. A catchy and convincing subject line can be what will get your email opened. As most email boxes are very crowded – your email really needs to stand out. 

Importance of catchy subject lines

  • Boost open rates: A quality subject line can be a very effective way to increase open rates. 
  • Set expectations: An email’s subject line is a preview of the content to follow. It’s the perfect place to set expectations and pique interest.
  • Segmentation and personalization: Tailor subject lines to segment-specific interests. This will be a quick signal to your readers that the content to come is  relevant to their needs.

How to craft catchy subject lines

  • Be concise and direct: Keep it short. Most email clients display a limited number of characters, so make your point clear early.
  • Use action-oriented language: Start with verbs that inspire action.
  • Personalize: Including the recipient’s name or references to their interests can make the subject line feel more tailored and engaging.
  • Ask questions: Posing a question can spark curiosity and prompt the reader to open the email for answers.
  • Test and optimize: Try out different subject lines. This way, you can quickly get an idea of what works best for your subscribers.
Imagine you are about to launch a new product line and you want to spread the word among your subscribers. A standard subject line may go something like “Introducing Our New Product Line.” It’s informative – but it lacks a hook. So, why not try a catchier alternative like “Ready to Upgrade Your (product need)? Discover What’s New!”

 5. Personalize your email

When we talk about personalization in email marketing we mostly mean the practice of making your email content match what each reader or group of readers may be interested in.

Importance of personalization

  • Enhances engagement: Personalized emails work better – it’s just as simple. Readers tend to respond better to the content that feels like it’s been catered specifically to them.
  • Increases conversion rates: When you address what your audience is interested in, your emails are more effective in reaching your goals.
  • Builds stronger relationships: Personalizing your content shows that you value your readers as individuals. And this often translates into customer loyalty.

How to personalize your email

  • Collect relevant data: Start by collecting data via sign-up forms, website interactions, and past purchase history. The more you know about your subscribers, the more effectively you can personalize.
  • Segment your audience: Group your email list based on demographics, interests, behavior, or purchase history. This allows you to tailor your messaging to suit different segments.
  • Customize content: Adjust the content, offers, and calls to action based on the segment. This could mean highlighting products related to past purchases or content that aligns with expressed interests.
  • Use dynamic content: Employ dynamic content that automatically changes based on the recipient’s data. For example, showing different images or offers to different segments within the same email campaign.
  • Test and refine: Continuously test different personalization strategies to see what works best for your audience, and refine your approach based on the insights gathered.
Let’s imagine for a second that you are running an online bookstore. And you have a customer who has recently purchased a few science fiction novels. So, for your next email, you don’t send one standard message to all subscribers. Instead, you create a personalized email for the segment of your customers who like science fiction. The subject line could go something like “Dive Deeper into New Worlds: Exclusive Sci-Fi Releases Just for You!” Inside the email, your readers will find recommendations for new science fiction books, a brief news section about upcoming sci-fi author events, and an exclusive discount on their next sci-fi purchase. 

6. Give a must-have deal

Another effective strategy in email marketing is giving your readers an offer that is just too good to pass up. If this is what you are going for, make sure to provide value that clearly outweighs any reason to ignore your email.

Importance of an irresistible offer

  • Drives immediate action: A compelling offer can motivate recipients to act quickly, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a resource.
  • Increases conversion rates: When the perceived value of the offer exceeds expectations, recipients are more likely to convert, boosting overall campaign performance.
  • Enhances subscriber satisfaction: Delivering offers that resonate with your audience not only meets their immediate needs but also builds positive associations with your brand.

How to create an irresistible offer

  • Understand your audience: Know what your audience values most. This insight comes from understanding their challenges, desires, and behaviors.
  • Add exclusivity or urgency: Make the offer time-sensitive or exclusive to email subscribers. This creates a sense of urgency or privilege that encourages quicker responses.
  • Ensure relevance: The offer should be directly relevant to your audience’s interests or needs, making it more appealing and harder to ignore.
  • Highlight value: Clearly articulate the benefits of the offer. Make sure the value proposition is front and center, so recipients immediately understand what’s in it for them.
  • Make redemption easy: Any barriers to claiming the offer can deter action. Ensure the process is straightforward, with a clear call to action.
Imagine you’re marketing a fitness app and want to increase subscriptions. Instead of a standard discount, you create a bundle offer exclusive to your email list: “Sign up now and receive a 3-month subscription at 50% off, plus free access to our premium workout challenges and a personalized nutrition guide!” This offer not only provides great financial value but also adds exclusive content that enhances the overall package, making it highly attractive to your target audience. 

7. Tell an engaging story

Incorporating storytelling into your email marketing content goes beyond mere information dissemination. It’s about connecting with your audience on an emotional level. 

Importance of storytelling

  • Boosts engagement: Stories captivate us, making content more engaging and enjoyable to read.
  • Builds connection: Sharing stories can humanize your brand, fostering a deeper emotional connection with your audience.
  • Enhances message retention: People are more likely to remember information when it’s presented as part of a story.
  • Encourages action: A well-crafted narrative can subtly guide readers toward a desired action by illustrating the benefits in a relatable context.

How to incorporate storytelling

  • Identify with your audience: Choose stories that reflect the experiences, challenges, or aspirations of your audience.
  • Use relatable characters: Include characters in your story that your audience can identify with, making the narrative more engaging and personal.
  • Create a journey: Structure your story with a clear beginning, middle, and end, showing a transformation or resolution that leads to the value proposition of your offer.
  • Incorporate emotion: Emotional appeal can significantly impact decision-making. Use stories that evoke feelings relevant to the action you want the reader to take.
  • Conclude with a purpose: End your story in a way that naturally leads to your call to action, making the next step clear for the reader.
Suppose you’re promoting an online course on photography. Instead of listing course features, you start with a story: “Anna, a passionate but frustrated amateur photographer, struggled to capture the beauty she saw. That changed when she discovered our course. Through our lessons, Anna not only mastered her camera but also found her unique style, leading to her first gallery exhibition.”

This story not only illustrates the transformation possible through your course but also connects emotionally with readers who see themselves in Anna’s journey. It moves beyond the transactional, positioning your offer as a step toward achieving their aspirations. 

8. Add urgency and value to your offers

Adding conditions and limitations into your email marketing content is a nuanced strategy. It involves setting clear boundaries or special requirements for offers or information presented. 

Importance of adding caveats

  • Sets clear expectations: By detailing any conditions or limitations upfront, you help subscribers understand exactly what to expect, reducing confusion and potential dissatisfaction.
  • Enhances perceived value: Limitations, such as time-bound offers or limited quantities, can make an offer seem more valuable because it appears scarce.
  • Encourages prompt action: When subscribers are aware that an offer comes with certain caveats, they are more likely to act quickly to not miss out.
  • Builds trust: Transparency about the limitations of your offer or information fosters trust between your brand and your audience.

How to effectively add caveats

  • Be transparent: Clearly state any conditions, limitations, or exclusions that apply to your offer. Avoid hiding these details in fine print.
  • Use them strategically: Apply limitations to create urgency (e.g., “offer ends midnight”) or exclusivity (e.g., “exclusive to our email subscribers”).
  • Balance appeal with honesty: Ensure that the caveats don’t overshadow the value of your offer. They should incentivize action, not deter it.
  • Incorporate them naturally: Integrate caveats into your email content in a way that feels like a natural part of the message, not an afterthought.
Let’s say you’re promoting a seasonal sale for an online store. Your email could highlight the exclusive discounts available only to email subscribers, but you also note, “Sale ends in 48 hours, or while supplies last.” This caveat not only informs subscribers of the sale’s time sensitivity but also implies that the best deals might run out quickly, encouraging immediate action. 

9. Optimize the UI

To make your email more appealing visually, you will need to look into optimizing its user interface (UI). What you should focus on here is how to give your readers a pleasing and easily navigable email experience.

Here’s why visual appeal matters:

  • Captures attention: A visually appealing email will stand out in a crowded inbox, grabbing the recipient’s attention from the moment they open it.
  • Improves readability: A well-designed UI can guide the reader through the content in a logical flow, making the information easier to digest and engage with.
  • Boosts engagement: Attractive and interactive elements can significantly increase the time spent on the email, enhancing the chances of conversion.
  • Strengthens brand identity: Consistently beautiful and branded designs help build recognition and trust in your brand over time.

How to enhance visual appeal

  • Use a responsive design: Ensure your email looks great on all devices, from desktops to smartphones, by employing a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Incorporate brand elements: Use your brand’s color scheme, fonts, and logos to reinforce brand identity and ensure consistency across all communications.
  • Utilize high-quality images and graphics: Incorporate visually engaging elements like high-quality images, graphics, and icons that complement your message and enhance the overall look.
  • Optimize layout and spacing: Pay attention to the layout, ensuring that it’s clean and organized, with ample white space around text and images to improve readability.
  • Personalize visuals: Tailor visuals to match the interests and preferences of your audience segments, making the content more relevant and engaging.
Imagine a travel agency that needs to promote a luxury travel package. The email that would work best for this purpose would use a clean, elegant design with a neutral color palette. It should evoke a sense of exclusivity and calm. 

High-quality images of breathtaking destinations can take center stage. A short yet compelling description for each destination should follow. The email should give away just enough about each destination so that the readers are inspired to explore it further. 

To Sum Up

To create effective marketing content you will need a mix of strategies. Start with a clear message, tailor content to your readers’ interests, and add in a compelling offer your customers just won’t be able to refuse. Polish it all up with quality storytelling and a visually appealing framework.