Abandoned cart email

The phenomenon of abandoned carts is both a challenge and an opportunity for online retailers.

Global online shopping cart abandonment rate
Since hitting a peak in 2013, cart abandonment rates have been on the rise.
By 2023, a whopping 70% of online shopping carts were left hanging.
That’s over a 10% jump from 2014!
Source: Statista

An abandoned card happens when a potential customer first adds items to their shopping cart – but then goes on to leave the website without actually making the purchase. 

Abandoned carts are quite common. But they can significantly affect a business’s bottom line. And this is why it is very important for e-commerce sites to understand and address the reasons  for why a cart may have been abandoned.

And this is where abandoned cart emails come in. They represent a targeted strategy to bring customers back and nudge them to complete the purchase.

These emails are not just simple reminders. They are a mix of marketing savvy and psychological insight. With the right approach, abandoned cart emails can turn your lost opportunities into completed sales.

The Challenge of Cart Abandonment and the Power of Recovery Emails

The first step to dealing with abandoned carts is understanding both the scale of this issue and the reasons behind.

The scope of cart abandonment

Cart abandonment rates are a critical metric for e-commerce businesses. They offer insights into lost opportunities and potential revenue. These rates typically vary significantly across industries, with averages hovering around 70%. 

This high percentage highlights that abandoned carts are a universal challenge. With that, some industries may experience more abandoned carts than others.  For instance, the fashion industry will generally see a higher rate of abandoned carts compared to  electronics or home goods.

The reasons for cart abandonment

The reasons why a shopper may leave a cart behind are as diverse as the shoppers themselves. However, there are some key factors that lead to abandoned carts most often: 

  • Unexpected costs. Surcharge fees, shipping costs, taxes, and other unexpected charges added at checkout can deter customers.
  • Complex checkout processes.  A lengthy or complicated checkout process can frustrate shoppers and make them leave their cart behind.
  • Account creation requirements. If you require users to subscribe or register an account before making a purchase, they can see this as a barrier.
  • Security concerns. Shoppers are increasingly cautious about online fraud. If they have any doubt about the site’s security, they would often prefer to leave the cart behind rather than take the risk.
  • Comparison shopping. Many users add items to their cart as part of a comparison shopping process, with no immediate intention to buy.

The Psychology Behind Cart Abandonment

Understanding the psychological factors at play can give you deeper insights into why the cart has been abandoned. These two factors are often responsible for incomplete purchases: 

  • Decision paralysis: it happens when the customer is overwhelmed by the  number of choices or fear of making the wrong decision.
  • Wishlist browsing: customers may add items to their carts for exploratory purposes rather than with the intent to buy immediately.

Why You Should Send Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails are a direct and personal way to re-engage customers who seem to be having doubts. These emails can effectively address the reasons for abandonment and give shoppers reasons to reconsider.

When you make the email personal and send it out in a timely manner, they can remind customers of what they’ve left behind – and inspire a return. Your emails can even include product images, detailed descriptions, and reviews to rekindle interest. Adding an extra incentive (such as a discount, free shipping, or a limited-time offer) can entice customers to return and complete their purchase.

But abandoned cart emails also go beyond simply recovering sales. They are a good way to show just how much you care about your customers’ shopping experience and make them feel valued.

Abandoned Cart Email Strategies

So, how do you make your customers reconsider and complete their purchase? There are several strategies you can employ here: 

1. Timing and frequency: The art of reminders

    The timing of your first abandoned cart email is crucial. Sending an email within the first hour after a cart is abandoned can catch customers while their interest is still high.

    Now, when you start sending out follow-up emails, it’s best to space these out so that your customers don’t get overwhelmed 

    A series of two to three emails is generally effective. It’s best to send the first follow-up 24 hours later and a possible second follow-up within 48 hours.

    2. Personalization and content: Making it relevant

    Personalization goes beyond addressing the customer by name. Make sure to tailor the content of the email itself: mention the specific items left in the cart, complete with images and descriptions. This will act as a reminder for your customer of what they were initially interested in. 

    Add a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) to guide them back to their cart. It’s never a bad idea to offer incentives:  discounts, free shipping, or a limited-time offer. It’s also a good idea to offer alternatives or share product recommendations based on customer browsing behavior.

    3. Crafting compelling subject lines and preview text

    The subject line is the first impression and how your reader will decide if they open the email or not. Add a subject line that is both interesting and informative. Using urgency (“Your cart is expiring soon!”) or personal touch (“Forgot something? Your cart misses you!”) can increase open rates. The preview text should complement the subject line and give readers a sneak peek into the message inside.

    4. Ensuring mobile optimization

    With more consumers shopping on their mobile devices,  your abandoned cart email must be  mobile-friendly. The design of your email should be responsive –  with large, clickable buttons and easily readable text. As mobile screen space is limited, put forward the most critical elements of your message – they should appear “above the fold” and be seen without scrolling.

    An Abandoned Cart Email Example

    The example below combines a friendly tone with a sense of urgency and personalized product recommendations and incorporates best practices such as personalization, a clear call to action, and an incentive to complete the purchase.

    Subject line: Is Your Adventure Waiting? Complete Your Purchase Now!
    Preview text: Your cart misses you! Come back now for a special 10% off your entire order.
    Hello [Customer’s First Name],

    We noticed you left some great picks behind in your cart. Are you still thinking about them? Because they’re thinking about you! 😊

    Your adventure gear awaits:

    Eco-Friendly Hiking Backpack – Ready for every trail.
    Thermal Water Bottle – Stay hydrated in style.

    (Images and brief descriptions of the products)

    We understand that life gets busy, but your next adventure shouldn’t wait. To help you get back on track, we’re offering 10% off your entire order if you complete your purchase within the next 24 hours.

    Use code ADVENTURE10 at checkout.

    [Return to Your Cart] (Button linking back to the cart)

    Not sure about your choices? Here’s what other adventurers have to say about your items:

    Eco-Friendly Hiking Backpack: “This backpack was a game-changer for my weekend hikes. Comfortable, durable, and great for the environment!” – Alex

    Thermal Water Bottle: “Keeps my drink cold for hours! Plus, I love the sleek design.” – Jordan

    Still on the fence? We’re here to help. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.

    Don’t let your adventure wait any longer. Your gear is ready to go when you are!

    Safe travels,
    [Your Company Name]

    P.S. Remember, your special discount expires in 24 hours. Use code ADVENTURE10 and take the first step towards your next adventure with us.

    The abandoned cart email example above is strategically designed to capture the customer’s attention and encourage them to complete their purchase. Each component plays a specific role in the overall marketing strategy, aiming to increase conversion rates and enhance customer engagement. Let’s break down the key components and their significance:

    1. Subject line and preview text

    • Subject line: “Is Your Adventure Waiting? Complete Your Purchase Now!”

    The subject line piques the customer’s curiosity and creates a sense of urgency. It directly addresses the customer’s inaction (“Complete Your Purchase Now!”). At the same time, it hints at potential adventures that the customer would be missing out on.

    • Preview text: “Your cart misses you! Come back now for a special 10% off your entire order.”

    This preview text complements the subject line. It offers a tangible incentive (10% off) for returning to the cart. The text also sounds personal (“Your cart misses you!”) to humanize the message and make it more relatable and engaging.

    2. Personalization

    • Utilizing the customer’s first name

    Personalization builds a connection with the customer. It makes your email feel like a direct conversation rather than a generic marketing message.  This helps you increase the likelihood of them re-engaging with your content.

    3. Clear call to action

    • CTA button: “Return to Your Cart”

    The CTA is straightforward and action-oriented. It suggests what the customer should do next. A clear and visually distinct CTA button makes the customer’s journey back to their cart easy and straightforward.

    4. Incentive

    • Discount offer: “10% off your entire order”

    The email offers a financial incentive to address one of the common reasons for cart abandonment–  price sensitivity. It can tip the balance for those customers who were hesitant about the cost of their purchase.

    5. Product highlights and social proof

    • Product images and descriptions

    Product images and descriptions remind customers of what they left behind. This visual reminder can help reignite their interest in the product.

    • Customer testimonials

    Including positive reviews from other customers adds social proof, increasing trust and confidence in the product quality and customer satisfaction. This can alleviate concerns and motivate the customer to proceed with the purchase.

    6. Urgency

    • Limited-time discount

    The time-limited nature of the discount creates a sense of urgency. This can inspire your customers to act more quickly to take advantage of the offer.

    7. Support offer

    • Customer service mention

    Express your commitment to customer satisfaction and support by offering assistance to your customers who are in doubt. This can help overcome any remaining barriers to purchase. 

    To Sum Up

    Abandoned carts may be discouraging for retailers – but it’s best to look at them as a unique opportunity to directly address customer concerns with an abandoned cart email. This is where you get to convert potential losses into gains. 

    When done right, these emails can not only help you boost sales but also make your relationship with customers stronger.