Cold email examples

“Cold emailing is dead.” You’ve likely heard this in many forms.

Yet, despite the doomsday predictions, cold emailing is alive and well. 

You may be looking to make new connections or find interesting job opportunities. Or, you could be doing some link building work for your website. 

We have good news – you are in the right place. Today, we are looking into how to do exactly that with email.  Here is your ultimate guide to prospecting emails, networking cold emails, and link building cold emails. 

Prospecting emails are the backbone of sales and marketing. They are your conversation starters with potential leads. You send a prospecting email to someone who hasn’t yet interacted with your product or service. This is your first step in converting a recipient into a customer. Making a good first impression here is crucial.

Networking cold emails aim to establish or expand a professional relationship. They are not about making a sale – instead, they seek advice, mentorship, or opportunities for collaboration. You send them to people you admire or with whom you see potential synergies.

Link building cold emails serve a very specific purpose. You send a link building email to secure backlinks from reputable websites. This will help your website get better visibility (but you already know that). The goal here is to write an email in such a way that will convince the owner of another site to link back to your content.

But the ultimate question is this: how do you write a cold email that works?

This is what we are here to figure out.

For each of the email types above, we will give you two options: a classic approach that sticks to the conventional wisdom of cold emailing practices, and an innovative twist that breaks the mold.

Each of these examples will come with a detailed analysis, where we will be breaking down what specific elements make this email effective.

Let’s go!

Prospecting Cold Email Example: Classic Approach

Subject line: Enhancing (recipient company's name) with (your product/service)
Dear (recipient’s name),

I hope this message finds you well. My name is (your name), and I’m a (your position) at (your company), where we specialize in (brief description of your product/service). After researching (recipient company’s name) and understanding your operations, I believe that our (product/service) could significantly contribute to your goals, especially in (specific area of interest).

Our (product/service) has helped companies like (example 1, example 2, and example 3) achieve (specific benefits), and I’m confident we can replicate this success with (recipient company’s name). I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how we can tailor our solutions to meet your unique needs and challenges.

Would you be available for a brief call next week to explore this further? I look forward to the possibility of working together to achieve (recipient company’s name)’s objectives.

Thank you for considering (your company). I am looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards,
(Your name)
(Your position)
(Your contact information)

Prospecting Cold Email Example: Innovative Twist

Subject line: (Your product/service) + (recipient company's name): A Game-Changing Combo?
Hey (recipient’s name),

Ever wondered what the missing piece in (recipient company’s name)’s puzzle might be? Spoiler: It might just be (your product/service). I’m (your name), (your position) at (your company), where we’re shaking things up with (brief description of your product/service).

Imagine achieving (desired outcome for recipient’s company), but faster, smoother, and with less (common pain point). That’s what we’ve done for (example 1), (example 2), and yes, even (example 3). Now, we’re excited about the prospect of making (recipient company’s name) our next success story.

What do you say to a quick, no-strings-attached chat about potential before-and-afters for (recipient company’s name) with (your product/service) in the mix? I promise it’ll be more enlightening than your average sales pitch.

Looking forward to potentially flipping the script on (specific challenge) together,

(Your name)
(Your position)
(Your company)
(Your contact information)

Which example of prospecting emails will work for you: one following the classic approach and another with an innovative twist? Let’s compare their features in a table.

FeatureClassic approachInnovative twist
Subject lineProfessional and straightforward focused on potential benefits.Catchy and provocative, suggests a transformative partnership.
ToneFormal and respectful, in keeping with traditional business communication norms.Casual and engaging, aims to build a relationship with a conversational style.
OpeningPolite introduction with a focus on what the reader may need and potential solutions.Creative hook that piques curiosity. The product or service on offer is made to look like a missing piece.
PersonalizationTailored to what the recipient may be interested in — but maintains a formal approach.
Highly personalized  and with a creative twist – it suggests a unique solution to very  specific challenges.
Engagement strategyOutlines the benefits and success stories in a straightforward manner.Uses vivid imagery and hypothetical scenarios to better showcase  potential impact.
Call to actionInvites the recipient for a formal discussion or meeting.Proposes an informal, intriguing conversation, emphasizing ease and curiosity.
ClosingProfessional and anticipates a formal follow-up.Friendly and open-ended, leaving room for imaginative outcomes.
Unique elementsRelies on proven successes and clear value propositions.Leverages creativity and the element of surprise to stand out.

Networking Cold Email Example: Classic Approach

Seeking Insights from a Leader in (industry/field)
Dear (recipient’s name),

I hope this finds you well. My name is (your name), currently holding the position of (your position) at (your company). I’ve been following your remarkable contributions to (industry/field), especially your recent work on (specific project or publication), which I found to be insightful and forward-thinking.

As someone deeply interested in (specific aspect of industry/field), I am reaching out to explore the possibility of gleaning insights from your experience. Your unique perspective on (specific topic) could provide invaluable guidance as I navigate similar challenges in my current projects.

Would you be open to a brief conversation, either over a call or coffee, at your convenience? I believe your advice could greatly impact my approach and future work. Of course, I’m eager to share any insights from my experiences that might benefit you as well.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to learn from your journey and hopefully contribute to your ongoing success in any way I can.

Warmest regards,

(Your name)
(Your position)
(Your contact information)

Networking Cold Email: Innovative Twist

When (your field) Meets (their field): A Cross-Disciplinary Chat?
Hello (recipient’s name),

Imagine if (an element from your field) had a chance encounter with (an element from their field). What new perspectives might emerge? Hi, I’m (your name), a (your position) at (your company), where we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of (your field).

Your innovative work in (their field), especially around (specific project or publication), has caught my eye and sparked more than a few “what if” scenarios in my mind. It’s rare to find someone who approaches (specific topic) with such a unique lens, and it’s prompted me to reach out.

How about we mix our fields in a blender and see what creative juice we can make? Are you up for a virtual coffee or a brainstorming session over the phone? I’d love to dive into a discussion on (a specific intersection of your fields), share insights, and explore potential collaborative sparks.

As a little teaser, here’s a (link/attachment) to a recent project of mine that I think could stir up our conversation. It’s not every day that (your field) dances with (their field), but I have a feeling it could lead to some fascinating outcomes.

Looking forward to possibly the most intriguing conversation of our month,

(Your name)
(Your position)
(Your contact information)

The table below contrasts the traditional and innovative approaches to networking cold emails, highlighting how different strategies can cater to various audiences and objectives.

FeatureClassic approachInnovative twist
Subject lineStraightforward and highlights the intent to learn from the recipient.Creative and thought-provoking, suggests an interesting  dialogue.
ToneProfessional and respectful, expresses admiration for the recipient’s work.Engaging and imaginative, suggests a mix of excitement and curiosity.
OpeningDirect introduction and acknowledgment of the recipient’s achievements.A hypothetical scenario that creatively introduces the purpose of reaching out.
PersonalizationSpecific mention of the recipient’s work and its relevance to the sender.Personalized with creative thinking and the suggestion of a unique discussion topic.
Engagement strategySeeks advice and insights, emphasizing the learning opportunity.Proposes a collaborative exploration of ideas across different fields.
Call to actionInvitation for a conversation or meeting to exchange insights.Suggests an innovative and collaborative session, potentially more informal.
ClosingPolite and expresses anticipation of learning from the recipient.Warm, expresses excitement about the possible interactions to come. 
Unique elementsRelies on traditional expressions of respect and interest in professional growth.Uses vivid imagery and scenarios to spark curiosity and suggest potential creative collaboration.

Link Building Cold Email Example: Classic Approach

Collaboration Opportunity: Enhancing Our Content Together
Dear (recipient’s name),

I hope this message finds you well. My name is (your name), and I’m the (your position) at (your company). I’ve been following your work on (recipient’s website or blog), especially your recent post on (specific topic), and I was impressed by the depth of your insights and the quality of your content.

I’m reaching out because I recently published a piece that complements your article on (specific topic). I believe it could add value to your readers by providing additional information and a different perspective on the subject. You can find the article here: (link to your article).

Would you consider linking to our piece in your article? I’m confident that your readers would appreciate the added resource, and it would be a win-win for both of us in terms of providing value and enhancing our content’s reach and credibility.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any other information I can provide. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating to deliver even more valuable content to our audiences.

Best regards,

(Your name)
(Your position)
(Your company)
(Contact information)

Link Building Cold Email: Innovative Twist

Let's Make Our Content Universe Collide!
Hey (recipient’s name),

Imagine if our content had a coffee date and hit it off? I’m (your name), the chief storyteller at (your company), and I’ve been admiring the narrative you’re weaving over at (recipient’s website or blog). Your piece on (specific topic) was a breath of fresh air and got me thinking.

What if we introduce our readers to each other’s work? I penned something recently on (related topic), which I feel could be the plot twist your readers didn’t know they needed. Here’s the scoop: (link to your article). It’s a different take but one that complements your narrative beautifully.

How about we cross-pollinate our content gardens? If you find my piece compelling, maybe we could link up? I reckon our readers would enjoy discovering new vistas through our collaboration.

I’m all in for brainstorming more ways to collaborate if you’re game. Let’s chat?

Cheers to new beginnings,

(Your name)
(Your position)
(Your company)
(Contact information)

The table below highlights the contrast between employing a traditional, value-oriented approach in link building cold emails and adopting a more dynamic, imaginative strategy to engage potential content partners.

FeatureClassic approachInnovative twist
Subject lineProfessional and straightforward, indicating a mutual benefit.Engaging and imaginative, suggesting a unique collaboration.
ToneFormal and respectful, focusing on mutual interests and content enhancement.Casual and enthusiastic, emphasizing creativity and potential excitement.
OpeningIntroduction with a compliment on the recipient’s content and a collaboration proposal.Creative scenario setting that immediately piques interest.
PersonalizationSpecific reference to the recipient’s work and how the sender’s content complements it.Personalized through storytelling and imaginative engagement.
Engagement strategyDirect proposal for content collaboration through linking.Suggests a creative and mutually beneficial content exchange with a fun twist.
Call to actionClear request for a link exchange to benefit both parties’ audiences.Invites an open-ended collaboration, starting with a link exchange.
ClosingPolite and professional, indicating openness for further discussion.Friendly and optimistic, suggesting enthusiasm for future collaborative possibilities.
Unique elementsRelies on the traditional approach of offering value through complementary content.Uses vivid imagery and scenarios to suggest a more dynamic collaboration.

Which to Choose?

When it comes to writing a cold email for networking, link building, or prospecting, you may quite often find yourself at a crossroads. Should you stick to the classic approach or try out some innovative twists? The decision isn’t straightforward: both strategies here have their unique benefits and potential pitfalls. 

Understanding the classic approach

The classic approach is professional, direct and keeps to the standard norms of email communication. These emails communicate a respectful tone, clear intent, and feature straightforward requests or offers. This strategy is based on an assumption that the recipient of the email will appreciate its transparency and value.


  • Predictability: Recipients know what to expect, which can build trust.
  • Professionalism: Maintains a formal tone that’s often expected in business communications.
  • Clarity: Directly addresses the purpose of the email, making it easy for the recipient to understand and respond.

When it works best:

  • When reaching out to high-level professionals or those in traditionally conservative industries (e.g., finance, law).
  • When your goal is straightforward, such as a specific request for information, a meeting, or a link exchange.

Embracing the innovative twist

Emails with an innovative twist take a different road. They break away from conventional norms to get attention. They accomplish this by being creative, humorous, or covering an unexpected angle. 


  • Attention-grabbing: Unique content can differentiate your email from dozens of others.
  • Memorability: Creative messages are more likely to be remembered, even if the immediate response isn’t positive.
  • Engagement: An unconventional approach can spark curiosity and encourage a dialogue, even if it’s just to commend the creativity.

When it works best:

  • When targeting industries known for creativity and innovation (e.g., marketing, design, tech startups).
  • When you have a strong understanding of your readers’ personality or company culture and believe they would appreciate a less conventional approach.

Choosing the right approach

To decide between the classic and innovative approaches, consider the following factors:

  • Recipient’s background: Research the recipient’s professional background and company culture. A conservative industry or a high-level executive might prefer a classic approach, while a startup or creative field might be more open to innovative messages.
  • Purpose of your email: If your request is straightforward and professional, a classic approach might be more effective. If you’re seeking to establish a collaborative relationship or spark a creative partnership, an innovative twist could be more engaging.
  • Your brand personality: Ensure your approach aligns with your brand’s voice and personality. A mismatch here can confuse recipients or dilute your brand identity.
  • Risk tolerance: The innovative approach inherently carries more risk of misinterpretation or coming off as unprofessional in certain contexts. Assess how much risk you’re willing to take to stand out.

To Sum Up

So, should you stay classic or go off-book? The truth is there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The key is to really get to know your audience and acquire deep understanding of what will work for them. Experimentation is also valuable. Strategies like A/B testing  can help you adapt your approach based on real-life feedback rather than guesswork.