Email subject lines

Think of your email subject line as your first handshake with your audience. And first impressions really count. Let’s not forget that we live in a time when an overwhelming 347.3 billion emails are sent out every day. This means that making your email stand out is not just a nice extra – it’s essential.

And here comes the interesting part. Did you know that 47% of email recipients open an email based just on the subject line? And if it’s personalized, that email is 26% more likely to be opened

Despite this, a surprising 35% of email marketers don’t regularly test their subject lines, missing out on a crucial step in their email strategy.

Needless to say, writing powerful subject lines is a valuable skill. It’s not just about grabbing attention. It’s about firing up your open rates and starting an impactful conversation with your readers.

Keep it short and sweet

Attention spans are short, and so should your subject lines be. These days, people tend to skim through their inboxes rather than pay attention to every email they receive. Something short and sweet is more likely to catch their eye. And this is not just speculation – studies show that subject lines under 50 characters boost open rates.

Quick Tips for Snappy Subject Lines:
1. Get straight to the point: Lead with what matters. Skip the fluff and zero in on your main message.
2. Speak simply: Ditch the complex jargon. Choose easy, relatable words that speak directly to your reader.
3. Highlight the essentials: What’s the heart of your email? Make sure it’s front and center in your subject line.
4. Preview and perfect: Check how your subject line looks on different devices and email platforms. Trim the fat, but keep the core message intact.

Power up with action words

Action words can make your subject line pop. Think of them as gentle nudges for readers to open your email. Using dynamic verbs in your subject lines can help you create a sense of priority, excitement, or value. And this will make your email harder to skip.

Examples of action-packed verbs:

  • “Discover”: Tease something new and exciting inside your email.
  • “Boost”: Perfect for hints at enhancement or improvement, whether it’s personal or professional.
  • “Unlock”: Suggest unlocking something valuable or new potential within.
  • “Join”: Create a sense of community or exclusivity, inviting others to be a part of something.
  • “Save”: Who doesn’t want to save? Great for deals and promotions.

Beyond the basics: Personalizing your email subject lines

When it comes to email subject lines, personalization is very important. And it’s not just about slapping a recipient’s name at the beginning of your email. It’s much more about making that special connection that feels unique to each reader. As a result, personalized subject lines are more effective. Here are several powerful personalization tactics that have been proven to work:

  • Name-dropping: Simple but effective—adding the recipient’s name can transform a generic email into a personal note.
  • Reference recent Interactions: If your recipient just made a purchase or interacted with your site, mention this in your subject line to enhance the personal connection.
  • Audience segmentation: Customize your subject lines based on user demographics like location, interests, or past behavior.
  • Dynamic content: Utilize tools that adjust the subject line based on the recipient’s previous interactions or collected data.

Creating urgency in email subject lines

Urgency can be a powerful motivator. Writing subject lines with a sense of urgency can really boost your open rates. But remember to strike the right balance to avoid sounding spammy. Here are a few effective urgency techniques:

Use time-bound language. Phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Ends Tonight” prompt quick action by emphasizing a limited opportunity.

Mention exclusive deals. Using terms like “Exclusive Access” or “Members-Only Deal” suggests scarcity and exclusivity, adding pressure to act.

Don’t shy away from direct calls to action. Phrases such as “Act Now,” “Don’t Miss Out,” or “Hurry” push for immediate engagement.

It’s important to sound urgent without sounding spammy:

  • Save the urgency for offers or news that truly requires quick action.
  • Make sure your email’s content justifies the urgency in the subject line to keep trust with your audience.
  • Stay clear of overused phrases that might make your email look like spam.

Improve your subject lines with A/B testing

Getting your email’s subject line right can be a game-changer. And A/B testing, or split testing, is your best friend here. It’s about sending two different subject lines to a small part of your audience to see which one gets more opens.

Steps to effective A/B testing:

  • Focus on just one variable: Change just one thing—maybe the tone or a word—between the two versions.
  • Select the right audience segment: Make sure the test group represents your whole list well.
  • Analyze the new data: Check which version got more opens and clicks to see which subject line works better.

Tools to help you test subject lines:

  • Most email marketing platforms have A/B testing built right in.
  • You can also use a variety of analytical tools to see how different subject lines perform in terms of opens and engagement.
  • There are also lots of tools online that predict how effective your subject line will be.

Avoiding spam triggers

Nobody wants their emails to end up in spam. Watch what you say:

  • Avoid overly promotional  phrases like “Buy now” or “Free”. They just scream “spam.”
  • Don’t make claims you can’t back up. Exaggerated or false claims can be red flags for  spam filters.
  • Too many exclamation points or ALL CAPS can send you to spam.

Get to know spam filters:

  • Different email clients have different spam filters. Get to know what your audience uses.
  • Make a habit of regularly tidying up your list: don’t be afraid to remove people who don’t engage with your emails. This will help you maintain a good sender reputation.

Arouse curiosity and mystery

A little mystery can make your subject lines irresistible, but you’ve got to keep it real. Here are a few ideas for sparking curiosity: 

  • Ask a question: Something like “Are You Making These SEO Mistakes?”
  • Tease a little: Say something like “Secrets to Doubling Your Sales Inside.”
  • Be intriguing: Try “Behind the Scenes” or “This Unusual Trick.”

Stay honest:

  • Make sure your subject line reflects what’s actually in the email.
  • Keep expectations realistic to build trust.

Staying ahead of email trends

Email marketing keeps evolving, and staying up-to-date is key to keeping your emails fresh and engaging. What’s trending:

  • Emojis in subject lines: Emojis can catch the eye and convey emotions quickly, but make sure to use them in moderation.
  • Personalize with AI: Advanced AI tools are being used to create highly personalized and dynamic subject lines.

The future has more in store. Expect even smarter tools for optimizing subject lines. Watch for new ways to make emails more interactive, which could affect how you craft subject lines.

It’s not only a subject line that matters. Check out related articles to learn more email writing techniques:

Email Copywriting: How to Create Engaging Content in 2024

How to Write a Marketing Email or Can AI Do It for You?

To Sum Up

Writing an effective subject line is about testing, learning, and adapting. It’s important that you stay creative and keep experimenting with different approaches. Stay in tune with the latest trends.

Email marketing is all about understanding your audience on a deeper level. From there on, you will be able to communicate your messages clearly and make your emails stand out.