Email verification
Key Takeaways
– Email verification checks if an email address is valid, active, and ready to receive emails.
– The best time to verify emails is before using new email lists and when bounce rates are high.
– Here’s how to verify emails: use email platform tools for first checks, test deliverability, ping servers and set up DNS lookups, and use dedicated email verification services.

Ever wonder why some of your emails never seem to reach their destination? Here’s why email verification is a game changer for anyone who sends emails regularly. It makes sure that the email addresses in your list are real, active, and ready to receive your messages. This means fewer bounced emails and better delivery rates.

What Is Email Verification?

Simply put, email verification is about checking that an email address exists, is free from errors, and can actually receive emails. This is super important because sending emails to addresses that don’t exist or are inactive just wastes your efforts and harms your campaign’s performance.

The Difference Between Email Verification and Validation

Let’s get this straight: verification and validation are not the same. Validation is like proofreading an email address to see if it’s written correctly—does it have an “@” symbol and all that? Verification goes a step further. It checks to see if the email address is not just correctly written but actually in use. While validation makes sure the format is right, verification confirms the address is real and ready to catch your emails.

Why It’s Crucial to Verify Emails

Verifying emails keeps your email list healthy. It weeds out the bad addresses that lead to high bounce rates, which can mess up your reputation with email providers. A better reputation means your emails are more likely to land in inboxes, not spam folders. Plus, it helps you focus on people who really read your emails, making your campaigns more effective.

Here’s what you get when you verify emails:

  • You make sure that every email you send out counts  –  and reach more people.
  • You keep your emails out of the spam folder and protect your reputation.
  • You substantially reduce bounce rates.
  • You prevent your domain from getting blocked.
  • You stop bad data before it can cause trouble.
  • You keep your email list clean: no clutter or fake accounts.
  • Finally, you save money because your emails don’t get sent to email addresses that don’t exist.

It’s essential that you keep your email list accurate and up-to-date – especially with the new rules coming in from the big names like Google and Yahoo. In 2024, they aim to crack down on spam even more and increase email security. This is why staying on top of your email game is ever so important.

Keep an eye on the latest updates from Google and Yahoo in 2024 – be ready for what’s to come.

When’s the Right Time to Verify Your Emails?

Verifying your email list is super important if you want to keep your communication and email marketing strategies sharp. Knowing the best times to check your email list can really make a difference in how well your messages are received and how effective your campaigns turn out to be.

Got a new email list? Verify it first

When you get your hands on a new email list, hold up before you dive into using it. It’s crucial to verify it first. This means checking that all the addresses are real and can actually receive your emails. This way, you won’t be wasting your energy on dead ends.

Noticing more emails bouncing back? Time for a check

If you start seeing more emails bouncing back than usual, that’s your cue to verify your list again. Rising bounce rates are a red flag because they can damage your reputation with email service providers and hurt your overall ability to get emails delivered. 

It’s been a while? Regular checks are key

Keeping your email list fresh is non-negotiable. If it’s been quite some time since your last verification, chances are some of the emails no longer work. Regularly verifying your list makes sure it stays current. And this gives a better impact to your campaigns. It will also help you keep up a good reputation online.

Keep your email list in top shape

Making sure your email list is verified regularly is crucial for fine-tuning your email strategy, keeping your sender reputation intact, and making sure your messages actually get through to people. Remember, a well-maintained email list is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, helping you reach your audience effectively every time you send out a campaign.

How Do You Verify Emails?

Making sure your emails actually reach someone starts with verifying that you’ve got valid addresses. This is crucial if you want your messages to engage your audience effectively and maintain a solid sender reputation. Let’s go through some ways you can ensure your emails are good to go.

Use built-in tools in your email software

Most email outreach platforms come with tools to verify email addresses right off the bat. Make the most of these features to clean up your list from the start, boosting the overall efficiency of your email campaigns.

Check the syntax of your emails

First things first: make sure each email address is formatted correctly. Look for the “@” symbol and check that the domain name makes sense. This quick step can help you catch and remove any obviously incorrect emails.

Test deliverability with an alternate account

If you can, try sending test emails from a separate email account. This can give you a real sense of whether your emails will get through without risking the reputation of your main account. Just use this method carefully to avoid looking like spam.

Ping the email server

This is a bit techy but really effective. Pinging involves sending a tiny request to the email server to check if the email address exists, all without sending a real email. It’s a great way to weed out non-existent addresses if you’ve got the technical know-how.

Perform DNS lookups

Checking the DNS records for an email’s domain helps verify that the domain is active and capable of receiving emails. This is a critical step to confirm that the email’s domain is up and running.

Analyze the IP address

Looking up the IP address related to the email server can tell you a lot about the email service provider and, by extension, whether the email addresses under that domain are likely to be valid. This method is perfect for those who like a deeper dive into the technical details.

Use a dedicated email verification service

A lot of tools are designed specifically to check email addresses. There is a lot these services can do: from basic syntax and domain checks to something more advanced like checking if the mailbox in question actually exists.

Email Verification Tools

Email verification tools keep your emails “healthy”. They will automatically check if an email address is valid, active and capable of receiving messages. There are many aspects involved here: syntax verification, domain validation, and even real-time pinging. This is how you will know that this email address exists and is active.

Key features of top email verification tools

Many of these tools offer bulk verification, API integration for real-time checks, and detailed reports on your list’s health. If you use a tool like this, you will be able to manage bounce rates, improve deliverability, and, ultimately, get your email campaign to perform better.

So, how do you choose the right tool?

  • Sendigram Email Checker is designed to help marketers improve email deliverability. It does so by identifying and removing invalid email addresses from recipients’ lists, leading to reduced bounce and spam rates and securing the IP reputation of a sender. With its budget friendly pricing model, it ensures your email marketing budget is spent effectively. Email Checker from Sendigram is particularly helpful when importing a contact database, launching a new newsletter, or starting a cold email campaign. Its unique features include the ability to upload multiple files at once, eliminating the need to manually combine lists, and importing additional data like email opens and clicks. As a plus, it offers AI-generated suggestions to correct typos in email addresses, increasing the accuracy of your lists.
  • NeverBounce offers real-time email verification and list cleaning. It will help you keep your email list clean and your bounce rates low. Key features: bulk verification and real-time API integration. Plus, you get access to detailed analytics to keep an eye on the health of your email list. 
  • ZeroBounce is a  comprehensive tool that will take you a step beyond basic verification. With it, you will get access to extra insights: geolocation, demographics, and a unique quality score for each email. This can help you lower the bounce rate and get better deliverability. Detailed reports and API access are a nice bonus.
  • Hunter is a good option for companies looking to get in touch with new leads. It’s a great tool to find and verify email addresses and comes with special tools to discover emails linked to specific domains.
  • VerifyBee can verify both emails and phone numbers. This will bring high deliverability to your email marketing efforts. Key features include API integration for real-time checks and a user-friendly dashboard.
  • You will appreciate BriteVerify for its simplicity. You can verify emails via the drag-and-drop interface and get real-time API for instant results. It’s a great tool to keep a clean email list and boost your campaign with less hustle.

Best Practices for Email Verification

To make the most of email verification, here are some best practices:

  • From time to time, get rid of invalid or inactive email addresses to keep your list fresh and responsive.
  • When people subscribe, use a double opt-in process. This means they’ll confirm their email address is correct and active, adding an extra layer of accuracy.
  • Use email verification as soon as someone enters their address on your site. This prevents incorrect or fake emails from ever getting on your list in the first place.
  • Keep an eye on how subscribers interact with your emails. If engagement drops, it might be time to either re-engage them or remove them from your list.
  • Keep up with the latest changes from major Internet Service Providers (ISPs). You should always keep your campaign compliant and effective.

To Sum Up

Verifying email addresses before you send out campaigns is more than just a good practice—it’s essential for the success of your email marketing. 

Use a mix of strategies. Start with the tools that come with your email platform for syntax checks. Run tests from alternate accounts. When ready, dive into something a bit more technical like server pinging, DNS lookups, and IP address analysis.