lead magnet

According to 50% of marketers, using lead magnets leads to higher conversion rates.


This statistic isn’t just a coincidence but actual proof that lead magnets do their job in bridging the gap between users’ initial curiosity and active engagement. This efficacy comes from the diversity and adaptability of lead magnet types. Ranging from eBooks and webinars to free trials and exclusive templates, they can be further customized to the needs of a particular audience and industry. 

In this article, we will talk about lead magnet definitions, types of lead magnets, and what makes each of them a valuable tool for email marketing. We will also discuss their efficiency in boosting engagement and conversion rates. If you are interested in data-backed strategies that enhance your email marketing efforts, this discussion will be particularly valuable. 

What Is a Lead Magnet?

What is a lead magnet in marketing? It is a tool used to generate interest and collect contact details from potential customers. In the context of email marketing, a lead magnet offers value for free in exchange for an email address or other contact information. Its main role is to expand a business’s mailing list with leads that can later be nurtured into customers. Because interest in effective ways for lead generation keeps on growing, so does the importance marketers place on the right lead magnets. 

Representation of Google searches for “lead generation” term

Source: Exploding topics

What makes a good lead magnet?

If you are thinking about whether there is a perfect recipe for a good lead magnet, we believe it consists of three of the following ingredients:

  • Relevance: It must align with the interests and needs of the target audience.
  • Perceived value: The lead magnet should provide users with an actual value. It might be important knowledge for one or low price for others. The more relevant and valuable your lead magnet is, the more willing users will be to give up their contact details in exchange. 
  • Solution orientation: The more focused the lead magnet is on solving a specific problem, the more effective it will be.

Types of Lead Magnets

When it comes to choosing the lead magnet ideas that are right for your particular case, it is important to consider the needs of your audience and the specifics of your industry. For example, eBooks are excellent for delivering in-depth content on a subject and are widely used in sectors like marketing, education, and health due to their comprehensive nature. Webinars, on the other hand, offer a more interactive and engaging way to present information, making them ideal for business coaching and personal development. 

Free trials are common in software and service-based industries. This is a perfect lead magnet that allows potential customers to experience a product firsthand before committing. Checklists provide actionable steps and are particularly useful in industries like event planning, travel, project management, or other industries where step-by-step guidance is crucial. 

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Source: GetResponse

How to Create a Lead Magnet

If you wonder how to create a lead magnet and if some steps can be universally applied to this process, we answer “yes.” A short guide towards the creation of an effective lead magnet can look like this:

  1. Identify your audience’s pain points: Understand what your audience struggles with that your business can solve.
  2. Choose the right type of lead magnet: Select a format (e.g., eBook or webinar) that best delivers the solution to your audience.
  3. Create high-quality content: Ensure the content is both valuable and professional. That is important to reflect the quality of your brand.
  4. Design for usability: Make the lead magnet visually appealing and easy to consume.
  5. Set up a landing page: In some cases, like with white papers, you’ll need to develop a landing page that describes the benefits of the lead magnet and includes a form for users to leave their contact information. In others, you might need to provide a link to your free content, like templates or resource libraries.

Real Examples of Effective Lead Magnets


One invaluable advantage of videos is that they can be tailored for any purpose, audience, or format. Educational content, tutorials, product demonstrations, and expert interviews, to name a few. Each of these types of videos can be repurposed across multiple platforms, including social media, YouTube, and email campaigns, maximizing the reach and effectiveness of this lead magnet. 

How it can be used in email marketing: 

While there are several ways to incorporate your video into your email, what’s more important is the content of your video. Make it engaging, relevant to your customers, and aligned with your company’s product or service. Don’t forget to align it with your overall email design and make it clickable.  

Source: HubSpot

Why is it effective?

  • High engagement levels: Videos are inherently engaging, utilizing both visual and auditory elements to capture and retain viewer attention. In 2023, an overwhelming 85% of e-commerce customers considered videos to be an important part of their online experience. This format is often more effective at explaining complex information or demonstrating products than text or images alone.
A graph with colorful bars

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Source: GetResponse

  • Boosts information retention: The dynamic nature of video helps in better retention of the information presented. Viewers are more likely to remember content that is delivered in an engaging, narrative, and visual format.
  • Enhances SEO: A post that contains video has 53% more chances to show up on Google’s 1st page than post-only text-based content. Videos are highly favored by search engine algorithms, particularly when accompanied by optimized titles, descriptions, and tags. This can improve a website’s SEO, driving more organic traffic and increasing visibility among potential customers.

Access to a resource library

Resource libraries are often centered around a specific industry or interest and include eBooks, articles, video content, tutorials, and more. Access to such libraries for free provides users with complimentary entry to a collection of valuable resources. It is created for individuals who are seeking in-depth knowledge, continuous learning opportunities, or as an additional help and resource center.

How it can be used in email marketing: 

Links to your resource libraries included in email can become perfect lead magnets for both B2B and B2C clientele. With B2B clients, they can help educate potential customers on complex products or industry trends, while with B2C customers, it might focus more on personal development, hobbies, or consumer product education.

Source: GetResponse

Analysis of effectiveness:

  • Continual engagement: Offering access to a comprehensive library keeps users coming back for more as they explore various resources. This ongoing engagement helps maintain a connection with the lead over time, increasing the chances of conversion and fostering loyalty.
  • Wide coverage: This type of lead magnet can attract a broad audience due to its diverse content. By covering multiple topics within a niche, you can appeal to different segments of your target audience, each with their own specific interests and needs.
  • Scalable and cost-effective: Once set up, a digital library is relatively low-cost to maintain and can be scaled easily to accommodate an increasing number of users without significant additional expenses. This makes it an efficient lead magnet for growing your audience without proportionally increasing costs.


A webinar is an online seminar that allows businesses to engage with a large audience in real time. These can cover a wide range of topics and are often used to educate, demonstrate products, or discuss industry trends. Webinars are particularly effective in the B2B market, where the buying process tends to be longer, and decisions are often made based on detailed information and trust in the vendor. Nonetheless, there’s plenty of room for B2C webinars as well. 

How it can be used in email marketing: 

To draw attention to your webinar, treat it as a special event by sending an invitation to your customers in a separate email. By creating an engaging invitation accompanied by a CTA and an “Add to calendar” link, you increase the chances of customers really showing up for your webinar. 

Source: HubSpot

Analysis of effectiveness:

  • Engagement and interaction: Unlike passive content, webinars offer a live, interactive experience. Communication webinars are also considered to have a 67% conversion rate—more than any other types of webinars. 
  • Authority and credibility: Hosting a webinar positions a business as an expert in its field. By delivering valuable insights and knowledge, companies can build authority and trust among their audiences. This is particularly important in complex industries where trust and expertise are crucial for customer decision-making.
  • Lead qualification and segmentation: The registration process for webinars allows businesses to collect specific information about their audiences, such as interests, behavior, or demographics, enabling more personalized follow-up marketing efforts. That explains why 89% of marketers consider this lead magnet as the most efficient for generating qualified leads. 

White paper 

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that informs readers about usually complex topics and presents the opinion of the publisher on the matter. It is intended to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. White papers are commonly used in B2B marketing to generate leads by showcasing expertise, in-depth research, and thought leadership in a specific industry.

How it can be used in email marketing: 

Use your emails to promote your white paper and encourage users to download it from your website. There are certain steps you need to take to turn your white paper into a lead-generation tool, both before and after the campaign. Nonetheless, an email with an inviting subject line and compelling CTA is a must-have.

A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a computer

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Source: Samsung

Why is it effective?

  • Credibility: White papers are typically well-researched and include data, statistics, and in-depth analysis, which can significantly boost a company’s credibility and authority in its field. They position the company as a thought leader, which is particularly valuable in industries where expertise is a key differentiator.
  • Highly targeted: White papers address specific challenges or questions that are relevant to a particular audience. This specificity ensures that the leads generated are highly targeted and have a genuine interest in the niche or solution being discussed. That also explains why half out of 500 marketers name white papers as a credible source of valuable leads. 

Source: Martech

  • Long-term usefulness: The content of a white paper can remain relevant and valuable for an extended period, often being circulated and referenced long after its publication. This enduring relevance helps perpetuate lead generation over time, providing ongoing returns on the initial investment.

Free shipping 

Free shipping is another type of lead magnet often used by e-commerce businesses. Free shipping offers can come in different forms: it can be unconditional free shipping on all orders, free shipping for orders exceeding a certain amount, or a special promotional offer for first-time customers. It’s designed to make the online purchasing process more appealing for customers. 

How it can be used in email marketing: 

Highlighting in your email campaign that you offer not only a great product but also free shipping with an engaging subject line will lead to greater conversion rates with time.

Source: Sendpulse

Why is it effective?

  • Reduction in cart abandonment: One of the most common reasons customers abandon their shopping carts is high shipping costs at checkout, accounting for almost 70% of all cart abandonments. Free shipping offers can effectively reduce this friction point and lead to higher conversion rates and completed sales.
  • Increased consumer satisfaction: Considering that shipping costs in many cases account for a substantial price add-on, free shipping often leads to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth recommendations. Free shipping taps into the psychological dislike of paying additional fees. In the end, seeing that the price at checkout equals the combined price of your goods always feels good.  
  • Encourages larger purchases: When free shipping is conditional, such as requiring a minimum purchase amount, it encourages customers to add more items to their carts to qualify. The number of customers willing to pay more to get free shipping is as high as 78%. This strategy cleverly increases the overall transaction size, which can offset the costs of offering free shipping.


Templates are pre-designed layouts that customers can use to simplify a variety of tasks. Free templates can serve as great lead magnets themselves and be used for the creation of other lead magnets like spreadsheet guides or presentations.

How it can be used in email marketing: 

You can introduce the template in an email that highlights its benefits and practical use. Include some related educational content or blog post and don’t forget a clear call to action that directs subscribers to a landing page to download the template, enhancing engagement. 

Source: Sendgrid

Analysis of effectiveness:

  • Immediate application: Templates provide an immediate solution to common problems that users often face when they need to create an attractive email or a social media post. Templates offer professional designs while helping to save time. 
  • Wide appeal and customization: Templates can be designed to suit a variety of needs and preferences, making them widely applicable to diverse audiences and industries in both B2B and B2C sectors. They can also be customized, which adds further value for users looking to tailor the resources to their specific requirements.
  • Encourages engagement: Users who find templates helpful are likely to return for more resources and information, fostering ongoing engagement with the brand. This repeated interaction can lead to deeper relationships and increased customer loyalty over time.


Quizzes engage users by having them answer a series of questions to discover something about themselves or to test their knowledge on a specific topic. The particular value of quizzes for email marketing is in their interactivity, which proves to increase the click-to-open rate of email by 73%.

Quizzes are universal, can be used in B2B and B2C, and are popular across various industries, from fashion and health to education and marketing. The results are typically shared after the user provides contact information, making quizzes an effective method for gathering leads.

Source: Opinion Stage

Why is it effective?

  • High engagement: Quizzes capitalize on natural curiosity and the desire for self-discovery, which can lead to higher engagement rates compared to other types of content. The interactive element keeps users invested in the outcome, increasing the time they spend interacting with your brand.
  • Personalization: One of the strengths of quizzes is their ability to deliver personalized results based on the user’s answers. This personal touch can make the content more relevant and engaging to the individual, enhancing their connection with the brand.
  • Viral potential: Quizzes have a high potential for going viral, especially when the results are surprising or particularly flattering. Users are often eager to share their quiz results with friends on social media, which can amplify the reach of the lead magnet significantly.

Most effective types of interactive content, according to marketers worldwide as of September 2022

Source: Statista

  • Cost-effective: Creating quizzes can be relatively inexpensive, yet the return on investment can be significant due to their potential to attract a large number of leads. The scalability of quizzes also makes them a versatile option for businesses of all sizes.

Physical product sample

A real product sample is a type of lead magnet where a business offers a small portion or a trial size of its product for free in exchange for the user’s contact details. A small pack of face cream, a food sample, or even a simple tech gadget are all examples of product samples. Product samples allow the potential customer to experience the actual product without any commitment to purchase. 

How it can be used in email marketing: 

While physical product sampling might not be the primary choice lead magnet for email marketing, it is a great entry point into your customers’ mailbox. A reminder to buy a full-sized product sent a few days later might become the beginning of lasting relationships with your yet potential customers. 

A group of different makeup products

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Source: Barnes & Noble College

Why is it effective?

  • Tangible experience and anticipation: This hands-on experience can be a powerful persuader, especially if the sample has a beautiful design. It is considered that 81% of customers will try a product after experiencing it through a free sample, while 35% of customers will do so on the same shopping trip. It also builds anticipation, often leading to the purchase of an actual product. 
  • Targeted impact: Product samples are especially effective when they are well-targeted to meet the specific needs or interests of the potential customer. By aligning the sample with the customer’s needs, businesses can demonstrate their understanding and commitment to solving real problems, which builds customers’ loyalty and trust. 
  • Encourages word-of-mouth: People are more likely to share and talk about their experiences with a physical product than a digital download. This can lead to increased word-of-mouth marketing, expanding the original reach of the lead magnet and potentially attracting new leads without additional cost.

Free trial

A free trial is a popular type of lead magnet that allows potential customers to use a product or service for a limited period of time without payment. In the end, we are all familiar with the famous “free 14- or 30-day trials” on various platforms.

This type of lead magnet is particularly popular among software companies, streaming services, and subscription-based businesses, as well as across both B2B and B2C markets. 

How it can be used in email marketing: 

An email with no CTA will always be a weaker performer than an email with a CTA, but a CTA that offers a free trial—that’s what makes a true difference in customer engagement. 

Why is it effective?

  • Direct product experience: Free trials, like free samples, provide a direct experience with the product or service. It allows potential customers to see how the product fits into their daily routine or business processes. It reduces the uncertainty that typically accompanies purchases and helps to prevent frustrations in case of a larger financial commitment.
  • High conversion potential: Free trials have a high potential for converting users into customers. The data proves that between 58% and 78% of users who signed up for a free trial ended up being paying subscribers. By the end of the trial period, users have often started depending on the features and benefits of the product, making them more likely to continue using the service by transitioning into paid subscriptions.
  • Building trust: Offering a free trial serves as proof that the producer is confident in his product quality and ability to meet customer expectations. This openness builds trust and credibility with potential customers, which are crucial for long-term customer relationships.

To Sum Up

In this article, we provided a comprehensive overview of lead magnets by providing a lead magnet definition, discussing what constitutes a lead magnet, and analyzing some of the best lead magnets out there, their value, and their application in email marketing. Our analyses and data showcase that lead magnets are, on the one hand, valuable tools for marketing strategy. On the other, each business, while choosing a lead magnet, should be guided primarily by its individual preferences, target audience, and industry standards.