Survey emails

Survey emails are essential in email marketing. They are a vital link between businesses and their customers. They do way more than just collect data. They can help you build stronger relationships with customers and guide your product development.

The magic happens when you tailor these surveys to hit the sweet spot with your audience. Imagine creating an email that doesn’t simply ask questions. It touches on topics that your readers are genuinely interested in and unlocks a treasure trove of insights that you can use to better your business.

Ready to take your customer relationships to the next level? Let’s get started!

Why You Should Use Survey Emails in Your Marketing Campaign

Here are just a few reasons for why you should consider integrating survey emails into your campaign:

1. Direct feedback for improvement

Survey emails give you direct feedback from customers about what your business is doing well and where it can improve. This information is invaluable. It can help you make better decisions that will lead to enhanced product offerings, better customer service, and overall business growth.

2. Increased customer engagement

Sending survey emails shows customers that you value their opinions. It also highlights that you are committed to meeting your customers’ expectations. They will feel more connected and important to your brand – and this can help with engagement, loyalty, and retention.

3. Personalization and relevance

With surveys, you can get detailed insights into your customers’ preferences and behaviors. This information can be used to segment your audience and tailor your email marketing content, making it more relevant and personalized. Personalized content tends to have higher open and engagement rates.

4. Product development and innovation

Customer feedback that you get to collect via survey can highlight the gaps in the market or suggest new features that your target audience is looking for. You can then talk to your product development team and test new data. This is exactly what innovation is – and it can make your offering more competitive in your niche.

5. Customer satisfaction measurement

Surveys can help you gauge customer satisfaction levels via metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), or Customer Effort Score (CES). These metrics provide a quantitative measure of how well your business is meeting customer needs and can signal areas for improvement.

6. Enhanced marketing strategies

When you understand customer needs and preferences through feedback, you can work on refining your marketing strategies. For example, you can see which elements of your product or service to focus on in your marketing campaigns. You may also get answers for what may be causing customer churn.

7. Cost-effective market research

Surveys are a cost-effective way to conduct market research. Traditional market research tends to be not only expensive – but also time-consuming. Survey emails, however, can quickly reach a lot of people with minimal expense.

8. Customer relationship strengthening

When you regularly solicit feedback and show that you act on it, you build stronger relationships. This ongoing dialogue fosters a sense of community and partnership between your brand and its customers.

9. Identification of brand advocates

Surveys can help you identify satisfied customers who are likely to recommend your brand to others. These brand advocates can be a powerful marketing asset, as word-of-mouth recommendations are highly trusted and can significantly influence purchasing decisions.

10. Legal and ethical compliance

When you set up your survey emails properly, they can help you make sure that your  business stays compliant with data protection and privacy laws by obtaining explicit consent from customers to collect and use their data.

How to Write a Survey Email

Here is your basic setup for writing a survey email:

  • Start by personalizing the survey invitation. Use the reader’s name and mention your previous interactions to make the survey feel personal.
  • Keep the survey short and focused. Respect the time your readers take to answer your questions – make sure they are short and  to the point.
  • Offer incentives. Consider offering a discount, entry into a giveaway, or some other incentive as a reward for participating.
  • Use clear and actionable language. Make sure your survey questions are clear and directly actionable. This will help you understand what specific improvements to make based on this feedback.

Survey email examples

Now, let’s take a look at the two survey email examples below and see how each sample targets a slightly different audience.

First, we have the more professional email version. This option is meant for a general or older demographic who value clear, straightforward communication. 

Second, we have the more informal version, let’s even call it light-hearted. This one is meant to engage young solo travelers through humor and a sense of shared adventure. 

So what does this customization do? It makes sure that your audience can relate to your message more. And this increases the  likelihood of them taking part in the survey – and having an overall positive experience with your brand.

Email one

Subject: Help Us Improve Your Travel Experience 🌍✈️
Dear [Customer’s First Name],

We hope you had a wonderful journey with us! At [Your Company Name], we’re always looking to provide our travelers with unforgettable experiences. Whether you explored hidden gems or relaxed in the comfort of your chosen destination, we hope your trip was everything you wished for and more.

As part of our commitment to excellence, we’re reaching out to gather your feedback. Your insights are invaluable in helping us enhance our services and ensure that every journey with us is even better than the last.

Please take a few minutes to complete our post-travel survey. As a token of our appreciation, you’ll receive a [specific incentive, e.g., 10% off your next booking or entry into a prize draw for a free trip] upon completion.

Start Survey button

This survey will cover:
– Your overall satisfaction with your recent trip;
– The booking process and customer service experience;
– Accommodation and transportation services provided;
– Any recommendations or improvements you’d like to see.

Your feedback is crucial to us, and we’re eager to hear about your travel experience, from start to finish. Together, we can make future adventures even more spectacular.

Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We can’t wait to welcome you aboard again soon!
Warm regards,

The [Your Company Name] Team

P.S. Your feedback makes a world of difference. If you have a moment, please share your thoughts with us. 🌟

Email two

Subject: 🌟 Your Adventure Awaits... But First, Tell Us How We Did! ✈️🏝️
Hey [Customer’s First Name],

Wow, what a ride! We hope you had an epic adventure with us. From scaling mountains to chilling on hidden beaches, we bet you’ve got stories to tell. And hey, if you discovered a secret paradise, we promise to keep it hush-hush. 😉

As part of our quest to be the coolest travel partner in the galaxy, we’re dialing in to hear all about your latest escapades. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves a quick detour to our post-travel survey. It’s your chance to rave about the highs, roast us for the lows, and tell us everything in between.

Gear up and take the survey here! 🚀 As a thank you, we’re throwing in a [specific incentive, e.g., 15% off your next adventure or a chance to win a mystery getaway]. Pretty sweet, right?

Launch Survey button

Your mission briefing includes:
– Rating your overall vibe with us.
– Spilling the tea on booking and customer service – were we more superhero or sidekick?
– Sharing your digs on accommodation and rides.

Dropping your wish list for next time – more beach bungalows? Moonlight safaris?

We’re all ears and ready to up our game. Your feedback is like the secret sauce to our travel magic.

Thanks for choosing [Your Company Name] for your solo quest. We’re stoked to plan your next great escape!

Catch you on the flip side,
The [Your Company Name] Crew
P.S. Your insights are worth more than gold doubloons to us. If you’ve got a sec, throw us your two cents – it could make your next journey legendary. 🌈

Check out the comparative table of the two email versions to highlight the differences in tone, language, and approach, and explains why each version might work better for its intended audience segment.

AspectProfessional versionLight-hearted versionExplanation
ToneFormal and politeCasual and humorousThe professional version uses a more formal tone. It works best for a general or older audience who value  straightforward communication. The light-hearted version takes on a more casual tone with a touch of humor. This appeals to young solo travelers seeking fun and adventure.
LanguageStandard, clear business languageInformal, includes slang and playful languageFormal language expresses respect and seriousness. It is fitting for customers who prefer traditional communication. Informal language resonates better with a younger audience. It makes the email feel more personal and engaging.
Subject lineDirect and informativeEnticing and mysterious, with emojisA straightforward subject line sets clear expectations for a professional audience. And then we have a more mysterious and emoji-filled subject line that attracts a younger readership. It sparks curiosity and implies fun content.
Content focusEmphasizes the importance of feedback for improvementFocuses on the adventure experience and feedback as part of the adventureThe professional version focuses on the utility and value of feedback, appealing to those who value efficiency and improvement. The light-hearted version treats the feedback process as another adventure, appealing to the desire for fun and engagement.
Call to actionFormal invitation to participate with a clear incentiveCasual and playful invitation with an enticing incentiveA clear, formal call to action with a straightforward incentive works well for a general audience who value clarity and professionalism. A playful call with a mysterious or unique incentive appeals to younger audiences looking for excitement and rewards.
Audience engagementAssumes a level of commitment to providing thoughtful feedbackEncourages feedback as part of a shared adventure and funThe professional email version assumes that the audience is willing to engage in a more serious manner. The light-hearted version leverages the shared sense of adventure and fun to encourage engagement. It makes the whole  process feel like an extension of the travel experience.
IncentiveStated clearly as a thank you for taking the time to provide feedbackPresented as part of the adventure, adding an element of surprise or competitionIn the professional version, the incentive is clearly stated as a token of appreciation, aligning with a straightforward communication style. In the light-hearted version, the incentive is woven into the narrative, enhancing the adventurous spirit of the target audience.
Email lengthConcise, but comprehensiveConcise with a focus on engaging contentBoth versions aim to be respectful of the reader’s time. But they get there using different strategies. The professional version provides all necessary information in a compact format. And the  light-hearted email keeps it short with engaging content to maintain the reader’s attention.

How to Encourage Customers to Take Part in a Survey

Here are several effective tips for increasing survey participation:

1. Express the importance of feedback

Start by clearly expressing how you will use your readers’ feedback to make your products and services better. If your customers understand the value of their input and know that their opinions will lead to tangible changes, they will be more motivated to participate.

2. Offer incentives

Offering incentives can also significantly increase participation rates. Offer a discount, an entry into a draw for a prize, exclusive access to content or events, or loyalty points as a thank you for their time.

3. Keep it short and sweet

Respect your customers’ time by designing surveys that are concise and to the point. Clearly state how long the survey will take upfront  – the best strategy here is to keep it under 5 minutes.

4. Ensure ease of access

Make sure your survey is easy to access and complete on any device. A mobile-friendly design is essential because, as we know, most people read their emails on smartphones.

5. Personalize the invitation

Personalized survey invitations tend to have higher response rates. Use the customer’s name and reference any specific interactions or purchases that the survey pertains to, making it feel more relevant to them.

6. Communicate anonymity and confidentiality

If responses are anonymous or confidential, make sure your readers know this. When subscribers know that their feedback will be kept private, they can be more honest and constructive in their responses.

7. Timing is key

Send your survey at a time when your customers are most likely to be receptive. It’s always better to not schedule surveys like these during holidays or outside of normal business hours. Use the data you have available to see when your customers are most engaged.

8. Follow up

A single invitation might get overlooked. Sending a polite follow-up reminder to those who haven’t completed the survey can help with the response rates. But limit the number of reminders to not annoy your readers.

9. Share results and actions taken

Follow up with survey participants and share what you’ve learned. You can also let them know what steps you plan to take based on their feedback. This way, you will show your readers that you truly value their input and are committed to making improvements.

10. Optimize the survey experience

Your survey design should be visually appealing and user-friendly. Your questions should be clear and easy to understand. Plus, the survey software should be reliable and quick to load.

To Sum Up

Ultimately,  when you include surveys into your email marketing strategy you commit to improvement and engagement. When you value your customers’ feedback and act upon it, you will have a much better chance of bettering your business offering. And in the process, you will also show your clients that you are fully committed to their happiness and satisfaction.