best time to send email

The best time to send marketing emails is Tuesday, from 9 AM to 12 PM or from 12 PM to 3 PM, according to a 2023 survey conducted with the participation of more than 150 US marketers and advertisers. In the meantime, the weekend is found to be the worst time, regardless of the type of business.

Sounds easy, right? However, while the data above provide an average optimal time window for emails sent throughout the week, it still varies across industries. The decision, while backed up by the existing research on the best time to send an email, shall be primarily guided by specifics of the industry and its audience habits. 

So, why does it matter not only what content to send but also when? The concept of the best time to send a marketing email significantly impacts engagement rates by aligning the delivery of the right marketing messages with the times when recipients are most likely to open, read, and interact with them. This synchronization can dramatically increase the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, as it ensures that emails do not get lost or overlooked by recipients. 

This article will cover all the research and statistics related to the days of the week, time slots, and varieties across different industries, so that you can stop the guesswork and build up your email marketing strategy

The Significance of Timing in Email Marketing

Sending emails at the right time allows them to stand out amidst the clutter of a recipient’s inbox. This is particularly important during peak engagement hours when users are more inclined to read and interact with new messages. So, figuring out the best time to send emails can dramatically increase the likelihood of your message being seen and acted upon.

That said, emails sent during optimal times and days of the week can substantially impact some of the marketing email metrics: 

  • Open rates: Insights from research and data analytics point out to the existence of the optimal times for email engagement, revealing when recipients are more inclined to open emails. Sending emails during these identified peak periods can enhance the likelihood of your emails being opened, increasing interest in your products and services. 
  • Click-through rates: The likelihood of recipients clicking on links within your email increases significantly when they are fully engaged. Therefore, strategically scheduling your emails to coincide with these engagement peaks is crucial for boosting click-through rates.
  • Conversion rates: The timing of marketing emails can significantly impact their effectiveness in driving conversions. For example, sending emails that highlight weekend promotions on a Friday can capitalize on the timing when recipients are in the mindset of planning their weekend, making it potentially the best time to send an email to get a response.

By understanding the daily routines of their audience marketers can easily figure out the best time to send emails, thereby maximizing email visibility and the overall impact of their marketing efforts.

Day of the Week: Best Practices

The choice of the day on which to send marketing emails depends on various factors, including your target audience, the nature of your message, and industry-specific trends. So, while it is impossible to provide one-fitting-all advice regarding which day of the week is the best for sending marketing emails, we will try to outline some general trends and provide recommendations for each day of the week. 

Emails open rates on different weekdays

Source: CoSchedule
  • Monday: While Monday might be not the worst day for some emails and some businesses (like, for example, B2B), it is not the best for marketing emails. Why? Remember how most people, you including, feel on Mondays? Groggy, irritated by the end of the weekend, and not willing to engage in work. So, the chances that all emails that are not from a boss or colleagues will go straight into a trash bin are quite high – especially in the morning. So, if you wonder about what is the best time to send an email on Monday – the answer might be “on Tuesday.”
  • Tuesday: Tuesday has consistently shown itself to be the best day to send a marketing email. The best time to send an email on Tuesday is the window between 9 AM – 12 PM EST and 12:01 PM – 3 PM EST. Both time slots are considered to be particularly effective for capturing attention. Altogether, findings suggest that emails that are sent in the middle of the week, particularly on Tuesday and Thursday, have the highest opening rate. 
  • Wednesday: Continuing the week’s momentum, the best time to send an email on Wednesday remains in the late morning hours, when engagement rates remain high. Studies point out that emails sent on Wednesdays have the highest click-through rate. 
Source: Brevo
  • Thursday: The best time to send an email on Thursday mirrors Tuesday’s time slots. It is also similarly effective in terms of high open and engagement rates. Consider that Thursday is that day of the week when most people are still in the working mood but already anticipate the weekend. By creating a campaign that captures exactly this mood and sending it at the right time, you can substantially increase the chances for your email to be open. 
  • Friday: As the workweek winds down, the best time to send an email on Friday might shift slightly earlier to catch those finalizing their tasks for the week. As Friday is the last working day before the weekend, sending emails that highlight special weekend offers or tips for your audience, might be the right decision. 
  • Saturday and Sunday: The weekend might traditionally see lower engagement, but for specific audiences, it still could be an opportunity. So, if you still wonder what is the best time to send an email on Saturday, the key here is doing good research on your audience and figuring out their habits. The same goes for the best time to send an email on Sunday. The tip here – if Monday is the right day for sending out marketing emails in your case, then the weekend is the right time to prepare and schedule your campaign.

When to Hit Send During the Day: Know Your Audience Schedule

While in general late morning to early afternoon is considered to be a sweet spot for email engagement with users, this time slot can vary substantially across audiences and industries. 

Best time for marketing emails

Best time for marketing emails
Source: HubSpot

Let’s look into the reasons behind the highest email open and click-through rates during these periods:

  • In the morning, shortly after arriving at work, it’s common for individuals to check their inboxes. After addressing urgent emails, they often shift their attention to browsing through various newsletters and promotional emails they’ve received.
  • The surge in email activity we observe from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM could be attributed to people revisiting their emails post-lunch or as they wrap up their working day. 
  • Additionally, the volume of clicks stays elevated until 6:00 PM. As the day progresses towards its end and concentration begins to fade, many seek diversion by looking through their email. Checking emails after work while on the way home is yet another frequent habit, which makes this time slot the best time to send an email campaign.
  • Another trend that can be observed after the pandemic is spikes in email open and click-to-open rates in the early morning (between 2 and 5 AM) and late in the evening (around 11 PM). This trend might be attributed to an increased number of remote workers who have more flexible schedules and, thus, check their emails in less traditional times.

Adjusting for Different Audiences and Segments

While different research points out to the existence of the days and times that are optimal for sending marketing emails, it still requires a more nuanced approach. By knowing your audience’s working schedules and habits, you get a chance to reach them both throughout the day as well as during less trivial time slots.  

As research from Brevo showcases days and times for marketing email sends can vary substantially across different industries. 

Although weekdays are generally suitable for engaging both B2B and B2C segments, there exists a significant variation in the ideal times to send emails on these days. For example, while Tuesdays and Thursdays still seem to keep leading positions across most industries, this rule varies for companies providing professional B2B or marketing services. Brands must consider these established practices while developing their email marketing strategies.

Source: Brevo

Besides industry specifics, it is crucial to consider the time zones of your audiences and distribute your emails into time slots that work best for each country. Like this, you can make sure that your email campaign is optimized for each location. Other aspects of your audience, such as age, habits, and type of work, can provide you with valuable insights on the best time to send a marketing email. 

By leveraging the power of your data and applying analytic tools, such as A/B testing, you can fine-tune your email campaign parameters, including timing, and figure out the best time to send an email marketing campaign that works best in your particular case.  

To Sum Up

While the survey findings highlight Tuesday between 9 AM and 3 PM as prime times for sending marketing emails, it’s crucial to remember that these are averages that can vary significantly across different industries.

Understanding your specific audience’s habits and preferences is key to optimizing your email marketing strategy. Just as important as the content of the emails is the timing of their delivery. Sending emails during peak engagement times can drastically improve their visibility and interaction rates, ensuring your message reaches your audience when they are most receptive.